CWU Dispute
Ballot for Industrial Action
From JULY 2022 you will be receiving 2 SEPERATE industrial action ballot papers asking you to #VoteYes for industrial action. First one for a fair Pay Rise to be in line with the cost of living which we managed to achieve our highest Ballot Result of a fantastic 97.6% and now the Second Ballot to protect your terms and conditions which the CWU obtained through the 4 pillars Agreement and the unreasonable changes Royal Mail are trying to introduce on the workforce this ballot will close on 17th of August 2022
This communication is designed to provide you
with the reasons why there is no other choice but
to fight to protect your terms and conditions and a Fair and reasonable Pay Rise
and to
What is the dispute about?
The new Chief Executive, Simon Thompson, has clearly decided that the way forward for Royal Mail is to have a cheaper more flexible workforce.
This is why Royal Mail, under Simon Thompsons leadership, has developed a strategy which is designed to marginalise the CWU and reject the 2019 4 pillars agreement which was secured to protect our employment, Pay, terms and conditions which Simon Thompson is so desperate to cut and get rid of in order to create a cheaper more flexible employment model.
What is Royal Mail’s strategy?
Vote Yes
Rise Up
Defend Your Future
Use Your Vote
Defending the Four Pillers Agreement