£200 COVID-19 Recognition Payment
No. 263/20
Dear Colleagues,
£200 COVID-19 Recognition Payment
Further to LTB 254/20 and the attached Joint Statement circulated on 15th May 2020,
Branches/colleagues should be aware that the DGS(P) department has received a number
of enquiries relating to the qualifying criteria for this payment. I have formally raised these
issues with the business and further dialogue is continuing.
Branches/colleagues must however remember that it was only following pressure from the
union nationally that management decided to make a payment at all and therefore it is
important to point out that the £200 payment is a one-off discretionary, non-contractual
payment and not subject to the usual criteria in place for other lump sum payments - the
most notable of which being the two Christmas lump sum payments.
The union will of course endeavour to ensure that as many members as possible receive all
or part of this discretionary payment, but it must be remembered that the main focus of this
payment is to acknowledge colleagues who have worked throughout the current COVID-19
crisis and continue to do so.
We should also not lose sight of the very real challenge the union and its members face due
to the loss of letter traffic and the impact this has had on Royal Mail’s financial position.
Equally it is of the utmost importance that we establish a framework for high level talks to
resolve our current dispute and our 2020 pay claim.
The DGS(P) Department will ensure that Branches are provided with additional updates as
further developments occur. In the meantime Branches are asked to circulate this LTB as
widely as possible and to please stay safe.
Any enquiries in relation to the content of this LTB should be addressed to the
DGS(P) Department.
Yours sincerely,
Terry Pullinger
Deputy General Secretary (Postal)
Joint Statement