Coronavirus COVID-19: Supporting Members Returning to Work Further Update
No. 318/2020
17th June 2020
Dear Colleagues
Re: Coronavirus COVID-19: Supporting Members Returning to Work
Further to LTB 298/20 published on Friday 12th June, the department have been made
aware of managers in some areas attempting to ignore the 4 step process which was
detailed in the LTB.
The purpose of this LTB is to reinforce the messages and instructions contained within
Friday’s LTB. The Union’s priority throughout this pandemic is to ensure the physical and
mental wellbeing of our members and their families is at the very forefront of any
With this in mind, we approached and spent a long time engaging with Royal Mail to reach
the process outlined in the LTB last Friday. Our objective is to make sure our members
are not pressurised into coming back to work if it is not safe to do so and ensure they
have any concerns addressed.
The measured and stepped approach is designed to give members the confidence to
return to work safely with the full involvement of the local Branch to help and support
We went into detail of each step and produced the conversation documents in the
previous LTB is to ensure members will know what kind of conversation they can expect
and ensure any concerns will be taken into account.
Reports have been received about threats of stoppage of pay and pressure to return to
work immediately, outside of the 4 step process. We have spoken with Royal Mail and
have been informed guidance has been sent to HR Business Partners and HR Directors
to ensure the supportive approach agreed is followed.
If members encounter any problems, CWU representatives should engage with the
appropriate HR Business Partner or HR Director and attempt to resolve the issues. If no
resolution can be found, Branches should make members aware of this LTB and advise
them of their right to make use of the grievance procedure should they feel they are
being pressurised or bullied by local Managers into returning to work or Managers are
putting budgetary targets before their duty of care to their Employees.
All enquiries regarding the content of this LTB should be addressed to the
PTCS Department,
quoting reference 420.
Email address:
Yours Sincerely,
Carl Maden
Assistant Secretary (Acting)