LTB 210/20 dated 17th April 2020 provided branches with a report and update on the CWU Redesign Project and in particular the Asset Review.
In that LTB we reported that the CWSU NEC had unanimously endorsed a position to accept an offer in respect of Alvescot Lodge. That offer was for the full asking price of £1.75 million and we reported that the buyer wanted to move extremely quickly to complete the purchase by the 15th May 2020.
The purpose of this LTB is to inform branches that the full sale of Alvescot Lodge was completed and contracts exchange as well as funds received by the CWU by close of business on Friday the 15th May. Accordingly the sale of Alvescot Lodge has been completed.
Once again we would like to take the opportunity place on record our thanks to all our staff who have provided a great service at Alvescot Lodge over many years and for the dignified way they have conducted themselves during this very difficult time. We continue to work with them on their own HR related issues.
This now completes the actions required around this particular part of the CWU Asset Review. Further updates on the other aspects of the Asset Review will be published as and when developments occur.
Any enquiries on the contents of this LTB should be addressed to the SDGS Department at
Dave Ward – General Secretary
Tony Kearns – Senior Deputy General Secretary