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Election of National Representative Positions - Postal Standing Orders Committee Vacancies - 2021

No. 464/21

Dear Colleague,

Election of National Representative Positions – 2021

  • Postal Standing Orders Committee – Vacancies

Further to LTB 321/21 dated 4th August 2021, at the close of the nomination period the following Postal Standing Orders Committee (Vacancies) positions remain vacant:

  • 2 Positions – 1 of whom must be a Woman and 1 of whom must be Bame.

The NEC has agreed the election arrangements for the National positions listed above. Accordingly please find attached the relevant election regulations, appendices and nomination forms.

In accordance with the CWU policy of improving proportionality at all levels of the union branches will wish to note that Women and BAME quotas have now been included in the composition of the Standing Orders Committee positions.

Additionally branches are advised that the elections for the SOC in 2021 will be conducted using revised arrangements, a summary of which is set out below:

Nomination Process

In respect of seeking nominations branches will need to put in place a robust system and use all reasonable methods at their disposal to publish suitable notification throughout the branch area giving members the opportunity to submit their name for nomination to the position should they choose to do so. Following this the branch would need to put in place arrangements to hold a branch to decide which candidate(s) will receive the branch nomination.

Where necessary this can be conducted via a suitable video conference platform such as Zoom or Skype, etc.

Dispatch and Return of Nomination Forms to CWU HQ

Nomination forms will be sent to branches electronically (attached to this LTB) and it will be our intention to set up a specific dedicated election email address where branches should return completed nomination forms to. The details of this will be included on the nomination form.

Nomination Forms will need to be returned by the advertised closing date to be included in the list of candidates.

The revised system will avoid the necessity to return forms in the post system which of course may be subject to delay during the current Covid-19 crisis.

Dispatch and Return of Voting Papers

The respective constituency based voting papers will be sent by email direct to branches at the email address which we hold on file. Branches should return the completed voting papers by email to the advertised CWU election email address. Notification will be sent to branches confirming receipt of the voting paper, however it will the responsibility of the branch to ensure that voting papers are returned to the correct email address.

To be included in the ballot voting papers will need to have been returned by the advertised closing date and time.

Election Timetable

The election timetable for the above will be as follows:

Nominations open: 3 November 2021

Nominations close: 17 November 2021 (14:00)

Despatch ballot papers from: 19 November 2021

Ballots closes: 3 December 2021 (14:00)

Any enquiries regarding this Letter to Branches should be addressed to the Senior Deputy General Secretary’s Department on telephone number 020 8971 7237, or email address

Yours sincerely,

Tony Kearns

Senior Deputy General Secretary

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