LTB 082/24 - Election of RM Divisional Representative, RM Divisional Representative (Sub) and RM Divisional Chair
No. 082/24
TO: All Branches with POSTAL MEMBERS
Dear Colleague,
Election of:
Royal Mail Divisional Representatives -2024
Royal Mail Divisional Representatives (Substitute) – 2024
Royal Mail Divisional Chair – 2024
Royal Mail Divisional Representatives & Royal Mail Divisional Representative (Sub)
Nominations are invited from Branches within the relevant divisions for the position of Royal Mail Divisional Representative (2 per division) and Royal Mail Divisional Representative (Substitute – 1 per Division) for the following divisions:
North East
North Wales/North West
*Northern Ireland
South Central
South East
South West/South Wales
*Please note the Northern Ireland Division is only entitled to the position of 1 Royal Mail Divisional Representative.
The term of office for these positions is two years and the successful candidates will take up office at the conclusion of the election period, however candidates should be aware that the above positions and divisions are currently under review by the CWU & Royal Mail and therefore the term of office may be subject to change prior to the conclusion of the 2 year term.
Nomination forms are attached to this LTB and completed forms must be signed by the Branch Secretary and Branch Chair or accredited deputies and the nominee and should be returned by email to to be received by 13th March 2024 (14:00).
The timetable for the election is as follows:
Nominations Open: 28 February 2024
Nominations Close: 13 March 2024 (14:00)
Ballot Papers dispatched: 21 March 2024
Ballot Close: 11 April 2024 (first post)
If ballots are required for the positions of RM Divisional Representative and RM Divisional Representative (Substitute) they will be conducted on an individual member ballot basis and the ballots will be run in accordance with the CWU guidelines for Senior Regional/Field Official elections, which are attached for your information.
Royal Mail Divisional Chair
Nominations are invited from Branches within the relevant divisions for the position of Divisional Chair:
North East
North Wales/North West
Northern Ireland
South Central
South East
South West/South Wales
The term of office for these positions is two years and the successful candidates will take up office at the conclusion of the election period, however candidates should be aware that the above positions and divisions are currently under review by the CWU & Royal Mail and therefore the term of office may be subject to change prior to the conclusion of the 2 year term.
Nomination forms are attached to this LTB and completed forms must be signed by the Branch Secretary and Branch Chair or accredited deputies and the nominee, and should be returned by email to to be received by 13th March 2024 (14:00).
The timetable for the election is as follows:
Nominations Open: 28 February 2024
Nominations Close: 13 March 2024 (14:00)
Ballot Papers dispatched: 21 March 2024
Ballot Close: 11 April 2024 (first post)
If ballots are required for the position of RM Divisional Chair they will be conducted on a branch ballot basis and therefore paragraphs 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the attached Guidelines are not applicable on this occasion.
Any enquiries regarding this LTB should be addressed to the Senior Deputy General Secretary’s Department on telephone number 0208 971 7237 or email address
Yours sincerely,
Tony Kearns
Senior Deputy General Secretary