LTB 158/24 - Royal Mail Fleet Pay Agreement Update
No. 158/24
16th May 2024
Dear Colleagues,
Royal Mail Fleet Pay Agreement Update
The following is designed to provide an update on the ballot timetable for the Pay Agreement and our engagement strategy with members and Branches.
We have agreed the following ballot timetable with the independent scrutineers:
Ballot papers will be dispatched on 22nd May 2024.
Ballot closes on 12th June 2024.
Within the ballot papers will be a communication explaining the agreement and a copy of the pay agreement.
We are also, within this LTB, attaching a briefing document and the agreement.
On Friday 17th May at 18:00 we will be holding a Fleet CWU Members zoom call to explain the agreement.
Membership meetings have already commenced with Fleet Workshops involving Postal Executive Members and will continue until the close of the ballot timescale. We believe it is essential that our members have all the information they need to ensure they can make an informed decision.
The Postal Executive are convinced that this is the best negotiated pay agreement which can be reached and that Fleet members should VOTE YES to this agreement.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Walsh
Deputy General Secretary (Postal)