LTB 180/24 - BRT&G Agreement – Para 6.4.1 Sick Pay – Joint Working Group
No. 180-24
29th May 2024
Dear Colleagues,
BRT&G Agreement – Para 6.4.1 Sick Pay – Joint Working Group
Please find attached Joint Statement and updated action plan agreed by the joint working group set up in accordance with the above agreement.
The Joint Working Group have been meeting on a regular basis since its formation in September last year and have made steady progress in identifying the causes and cost of sick absence.
We have also attached an updated action plan to bring Branches up to date with all the activities planned this year. The Group is made up of CWU Postal Executive members and Senior RM Managers.
We hope the actions will result in and bring about a sustained reduction in the overall percentage cost needed to get below the 5.5% target in order to reinstate full occupational sick pay.
Branches should know the Union is continuing to try and reach an agreement on the Attendance procedure itself where the negotiations are continuing where we are attempting to achieve the policies carried out at our recent Annual Conference. Any further progress made will of course be published in due course.
Any enquiries to this LTB please contact:
The PTCS Department, email address:
Bobby Weatherall
Acting Assistant Secretary
