LTB 188/24 - Royal Mail Group: Motion 11, Annual Conference 2024 – Pensions Training
No: 188/24
Dear Colleagues,
Following the carriage of Motion 11 at Annual Conference, we have held discussions with various key people in respect of delivering this policy for our Representatives across Royal Mail Group. In this regard, please be advised that a very successful “pilot” Pensions Training event was held on Wednesday 5th June for the Postal Executive, together with Policy Advisors and some members of the Pensions Working Group. This activity, which was broadly five hours in total, was designed and delivered by Paul Kennedy, Divisional Representative and RMPP Trustee.
The plan going forward is to hold a series of one-day (approximately 10.30am – 4pm) seminars across the UK based upon the Divisional structures. Ideally, these seminars will be completed by the end of September 2024 and will be open to all delegates that ordinarily attend Divisional Committees, Parcelforce Regions, and Engineering & Fleet structures. Essentially, as the subject of pensions is a generic matter, we will be bringing Reps together from across the union and this includes Branch Secretaries.
In respect of next steps, Paul Kennedy will be liaising with the Divisional Reps as a priority to organise suitable dates for the training, along with venues. We anticipate that by the end of next week, most of the dates will have been agreed and the timetable will be the subject of a further communication once complete. We are of course conscious that we will be entering the peak summer leave period and that some Reps may be on leave when their session is held. We are therefore already considering the concept of potentially one or two mop-up sessions in order that every Rep is able to receive this important training.
Further developments will be reported.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Walsh
Deputy General Secretary (P)
Andy Furey
Assistant Secretary