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LTB 218/23 - RM Property & Facilities Solutions Limited (PFSL) & CWU Joint Statement On The Cleaners

LTB 218/23 - RM Property & Facilities Solutions Limited (PFSL) & CWU Joint Statement On The Cleaners Incentive Scheme

No. 218/23

August 22nd 2023

Dear Colleagues,

RM Property & Facilities Solutions Limited (PFSL) & CWU Joint Statement On The Cleaners Incentive Scheme

Branches and members will recall that the Royal Mail Property & Facilities Solutions Limited (RMPFSL) & CWU National Joint Statement Covering Pay and Associated Issues – 2022/23 & 2023/24, as detailed in LTB 044/23 (Letter To Branches) included a joint commitment to develop a one-off incentive scheme for cleaners.

Whilst initial progress was made in terms of concluding the full and final details for the scheme following the memberships endorsement of the Pay and Associated Issues Agreement, this stalled recently as a result of secondary trigger points sought by RMPFSL to its profit targets.

Subsequently, and to seek to move the matter forward, both parties agreed to independent arbitration facilitated by ACAS.

Following this arbitration, we are now able to confirm that a Joint Statement has been agreed on the full details of the Incentive Scheme and which have now been endorsed by the Postal Executive. These details of the scheme are set out in the attached Royal Mail Property & Facilities Solutions Limited (PFSL) & CWU Joint Statement on the Cleaners Incentive Scheme 2023/2024.

Whilst the scheme is self-explanatory, it is confirmed that these finalised aspects and aims of the bonus scheme remain as initially set out, which are: –

The scheme will be worth up to 2% of base pay in total (pro-rata for part-time workers)

The scheme is based on two possible 1% payments during the year period of 2023 to 2024 (planned payment dates of December 2023 and June 2024)

That the scheme is based on achieving objectives linked to increasing waste recycling.

However, during the ACAS process, both parties did agree to amend the target points and whilst the scheme is linked to RMPFSL’s ‘cleaning’ profit targets, which is the self-funded aspect, more importantly, both parties further agreed to amend the recycling trigger points based on two overall scenarios. This also includes bonus payments being generated in full or part and against lower overall recycling levels. This in summary moves the scheme away from being a ‘pass or fail’ process to one which offers more opportunities to generate bonus payments.

Alongside this Joint Statement and the ongoing monthly reviews which will take place to monitor the scheme’s progress, the CWU and RMPFSL have agreed to undertake further joint communications among members on the nature and recycling target mechanism for the incentive scheme.

The conclusion of this Joint Statement and the establishment of this incentive scheme for cleaners, is a further aspect of the Pay and Associated Issues Agreement and Branches, Representatives, and members will be kept informed of ongoing progress in terms of the bonus scheme.

Any queries to the content of the above please contact the Outdoor Department reference 120.12,

email address:

Yours sincerely,

Mick Kavanagh

Acting CWU Assistant Secretary


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