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LTB 259/24 - Election of Royal Mail Divisional Chair - Scotland

No. 259/24


TO:  All Branches with Postal Members


Dear Colleague,

Election of:

  •  Royal Mail Divisional Chair – Scotland (Vacancy)

Further to LTB 256/24 dated 18 July 2024, CWU Headquarters have now been advised by the Glasgow & District Amal branch that their candidate Brian Donaghy has withdrawn from the ballot.

Branches should note that Owain Beaumont from Scotland No 2 Branch is therefore elected as Royal Mail Divisional Chair unopposed.

Royal Mail Divisional Chair – Scotland

Owain Beaumont. Scotland No.2 Branch.


Any enquiries regarding this LTB should be addressed to the Senior Deputy General Secretary’s Department on telephone number 0208 971 7237 or email address

Yours sincerely,

Tony Kearns

Senior Deputy General Secretary

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