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No. 277/23

2nd November 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Further to LTB 235/23 circulated on 13th September 2023, Branches and Representatives will be aware that we adopted a neutral position in relation to Royal Mail’s 2023 ‘Big Trust Survey’. The survey was conducted from 4th to 24th September and we have now been provided with a copy of the headline results (attached).

Predictably, the participation rate was well down at 53%, representing a decline of 16% on the 2022 returns, when the survey activity was conducted and promoted jointly. Whilst both the Wellbeing Index and the Diversity, Equality and Inclusion scores were the same as in 2022, the Trust Index and Engagement Index scores declined dramatically. All four-headline measures were also substantially lower than the UK external benchmark figure.

These results are hardly surprising given the ongoing attitude of Royal Mail and the way our members are being treated in the workplace and their ‘we know best’ approach toward Industrial Relations. Morale is evidently at an all-time low and the continuous failures of Quality of Service and the USO only add to the crisis in confidence. The decision to bypass the CWU when compiling the questions and promoting the survey, is clearly another factor in the scores nose-diving.

I have written to Royal Mail to request a breakdown of the results by question, as well as by ROD and OPL area in order to conduct a full analysis of the feedback. Additionally, the PFW ‘Big Trust Survey’ results have only just been received and therefore a separate communication regarding this feedback will be circulated in due course.

Previously, action plans were agreed at a unit level following the joint surveys conducted during 2021 and the early part of 2022. The aim of these action plans was to improve and address some of the key issues highlighted in the survey. It is however unclear whether management intend to respond to the 2023 survey or whether the feedback will simply be ignored. Therefore, everyone should remain vigilant and ensure local management do not proceed with their own unagreed action plans arising from the survey, as without local engagement with the Union these will be rendered meaningless.

Yours sincerely

Andy Furey

A/Deputy General Secretary (Postal)

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