LTB 278/24 - Raising Concerns
LTB 278/24
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to inform Branches we have concluded negotiations with Royal Mail on a replacement for the Grievance and Bullying and Harassment Procedures.
This was endorsed by the Postal Executive on the 16th of July, following consultations with Field Representatives.
The starting point for our negotiations was the overwhelming perception of our members that both the Grievance and B&H procedures were no longer fit for purpose and being applied in their best interests.
The following bullet points were some of the reasons why we felt it necessary to negotiate a new approach which will address these problems.
Firstly, the processes caused confusion – what is a B&H complaint and what is a grievance? Many of our members did not know the difference. It will now be the investigating Manager who decides the concern, removing the need for the individual to make this determination.
The former procedures were time consuming – there were lots of process steps that did not add any value, but only added to a case taking longer
Our members were left dissatisfied with the way their concern was dealt with or categorised including little or no investigation
Two tier – B&H is seen as the more ‘superior’ process – grievance seen as less important
There is no form for raising a grievance – many complaints were not even recorded.
Informal resolution/mediation not always considered as an option before a concern is raised formally
Lack of manager accountability to investigate – particularly perceived this way for grievance – managers were not held to account and often did not investigate.
A constant fear of recriminations for colleagues – many cases ended up being dealt with ‘in bad faith’ and members facing disciplinary action.
To improve this, we have negotiated a single approach for all concerns and complaints, which hopefully will lead to:
All concerns and complaints being taken seriously, transparently and managed consistently through the same process, in a timely manner and with the same timescales.
Managers will be held accountable for dealing with concerns raised.
There will be greater visibility of case status which can be tracked by members to see what is happening with their concern at any time during the process.
A single form for all concerns which is easy to complete and submitted through the People App, or alternatively via a call to the HRSC on 0345 6060603.
Cases will be recorded in People Case Manager with a step-by-step guide for Managers.
Contact by the investigating Manager within 5 days of the concern being raised with an invitation to a meeting within 14 days.
We genuinely believe the new single approach will be of positive benefit to our members, where all concerns will be taken seriously, and Managers will be tasked to resolve them as quickly as possible.
The plan is to introduce the new approach from 30th September 2024.
In line with the Unions protocols on new agreements, we intend to consult with Branches via a Branch Ballot.
Ballot papers will be sent out tomorrow (20th August) and should be returned by Monday 9th September.
As part of the Consultation process, we will be holding an online briefing for all branches on Thursday 22nd August commencing @ 10:30am and concluding no later than 12:30pm.
If the agreement is endorsed, it is our intention to include this in the Postal agreements course as soon as possible along with an online version for our Reps to be brought up to speed.
Any enquiries to this LTB please contact:
The PTCS Department, email address:
Bobby Weatherall
Acting Assistant Secretary