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LTB 297/23 - CWU Young Workers Conference - 31st January 2024

No: 297/23





Dear Colleagues,

CWU Young Workers Conference – Wednesday 31st January 2024

The CWU Young Workers Conference will be held on Wednesday 31st January 2024 at the Mechanics Institute, 103 Princess Street, Manchester M1 6DD.

Each Regional Young Workers Sub Committee will be entitled to submit ONE motion to the Conference Agenda.

Each Branch will be entitled to submit ONE motion to the Conference Agenda.

The Young Workers Committee will be entitled to submit THREE motions to the Conference Agenda.

Motions should be submitted electronically to using the template attached.  Branches or Regions who do not have this facility may request paper motion forms by contacting Angela Niven on 020 8971 7256.

Motion forms must be returned by noon on Thursday 4th January 2024.   Anything received after this date will not be accepted.   All sections of the form must be completed.

Branches, Regions and the Young Workers Committee are reminded that the Standing Orders Committee will not alter or amend any of the motions submitted therefore it is important that motion authors read the attached guidance notes carefully and motions are checked before they are submitted.

If motions are being sent electronically they will only be accepted if sent to the above email address.

As with previous Conferences, the agenda will be structured in such a way as to maximise debate and participation by delegates. There will be 2 sections to the agenda, one for motions which are eligible for consideration for submission to General Conference, and one for motions that in the view of the Standing Orders Committee are of an industrial nature which are eligible for submission to the Industrial Conferences.

Branches will be aware that the Young Workers Conference has the entitlement under the rules of the union to submit two motions to stand in the name of the conference to General Conference.   The Young Workers Conference may also submit one motion for either the Postal Industry or Telecoms Industry conference from Section 1.

The motions selected for General Conference must contain policy that lies within the responsibility of the NEC, likewise Industrial motions must be able to be carried out by the relevant Industry Executive (Motions for the Telecoms Conference must also refer to a specific business-see attached motion guide).

As with previous Conferences, the motions for submission to the General Conference agenda and the Industrial motions for the Industry Conferences will be decided from amongst those motions adopted at the Conference.  Ballot(s) to select the motions will be held at the Conference.



Details for registering delegates and observers will be issued in a further LTB.  Any queries regarding the registration process should be directed to

Regional Young Workers Sub Committee Secretaries shall attend Young Workers Annual Conference in an ex-officio capacity with the right to speak and move motions on behalf of their Regional Young Workers Sub Committee but not to vote.   Funding for Regional Young Workers Committee Secretaries to attend Young Workers Annual Conference shall be from the General Fund.

Branches, Regions and the Young Workers Committee are also reminded that only Branch delegates may move motions standing in the name of their Branch or Region. Members of the Young Workers Committee may only speak on behalf of the Young Workers Committee and not their Branch or Region.

Branch delegate entitlement to this Conference as agreed by the NEC is as follows:


Number of Young Members







500 and above



Branches are  urged to make every effort  to  ensure that  their delegation  comprises members  who are either  30 and under  as  of  November or who are serving Branch Young Workers.  The expectation is that voting delegates aged over 30 will be present on an exceptional basis.

In order that we can cater for any delegate with special needs such as seating, etc., it is important that you advise us in writing of the name of the delegate(s) and the particular requirement by return but no later than Thursday 4th January 2024.


Election of Delegates to General Conference

As you will know, the Young Workers Conference will select two delegates to represent the Young Workers Members to attend General Conference 2024.

The Standing Orders for the Young Workers Conference will advise a ballot to select these two delegates and it will be conducted during Conference itself.  Nominees must be members of the Union and have the support of their branch and/or Regional Young Workers Sub Committee.

Additionally, individuals must be willing to accept nomination.

The exception to this are members of the Young Workers Committee themselves who may be proposed for these positions but need to have the nomination of the Young Workers Committee and/or any Regional Young Workers Sub Committee.

Branches and Regional Young Workers Committees should forward any nominees on the attached form for this ballot to

Yours sincerely,


A P KearnsSenior Deputy General Secretary



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