National Network Review (Network 21) Update - Deployment Date
No: 316/2021
2nd August 2021
For the Immediate Attention of All:
Postal Branches
Divisional Representatives
Area Distribution Representatives
LGV Representatives
Dear Colleagues
National Network Review (Network 21) Update – Deployment Date
Further to LTB 178/21 please find attached for your information a Joint Statement which communicates the 6th September 2021 as the agreed target deployment date for the National Network Review (Network 21).
The aim will now be to ensure that any outstanding issues are resolved, through the IR Framework if necessary, and duty sets and re-picks are concluded in readiness for the deployment date, in line with the terms of the attached Joint Statement. The NWG will remain available to offer advice and assistance where necessary.
Branches and representatives are requested to ensure that our Network members are made aware of the contents of this LTB at the earliest opportunity.
Any enquiries in relation to this LTB should be addressed to Davie Robertson, Assistant Secretary, email: quoting reference: 233.15
Yours sincerely
Davie Robertson
Assistant Secretary