Post Office: DC Pension Scheme – Online Seminars
Updated: Jul 3, 2020
No. 347/2020
Dear Colleagues
Branches are advised that the Post Office is planning to run an online pensions seminar on two occasions – 8th and 15th July regarding the Post Office Pension Plan (Defined Contribution scheme) in conjunction with the provider, Scottish Widows.
A Joint Statement containing the full details has been published today and is reproduced below:
Joint Statement from CWU, Post Office and Unite Defined Contribution Pension Plan – Online Seminar with Scottish Widows
Dear Colleague,
We jointly believe that pensions are a really important part of your benefits and to continue supporting your understanding of the Post Office Pension Plan, as well as bringing you up to date information, we have partnered with Scottish Widows to deliver a defined contribution pension seminar to you in July.
Back in May, you will have received your Scottish Widows Annual Benefit Statement as well as a copy of our first Post Office Pension Plan newsletter. We hope that you found the newsletter informative and by joining this online seminar, we hope it will further enhance your knowledge of the plan.
Please look out for the invitation to the online seminar in the coming days. There will be two opportunities to attend the session (the content will be the same), Wednesday 8th July and Wednesday 15th July, both at 1pm. If you are unable to attend the seminar at the specific date and time, please do not worry – the session will be recorded and you will be able to play this back at your own convenience.
If you have any questions about this communication please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Post Office Reward Team at or your Union representative.
Yours sincerely,
Maxine Cross Phil Savage Andy Furey Head of Reward Unite the Union Assistant Secretary Post Office CWU
Branches and Representatives are asked to bring this matter to the attention of our Post Office members and encourage them where possible to join one of these informative pensions seminars or to watch the recording at a later date. The joining instructions are attached for ease of reference.
Yours sincerely,
Andy Furey Assistant Secretary