Post Office: Pay 2021/22 - Legal Trade Dispute - Notice Served
No. 094/2022
1st March 2022
Dear Colleagues
Further to LTB 070/22 dated 16th February. Branches are advised the serving of notice to Post Office slipped by a day to allow this important activity to be completed. This position was announced during the Facebook Live session last night; however, it should be noted that the original date for the ballot closing remains the same – Monday 28th March.
Accordingly, Branches are encouraged to ensure membership engagement is focused in anticipation of ballot papers landing on members’ doormats from Wednesday 9th March.
Membership Communications
All indications are that the Facebook Live session was well received by members. Below is a link to the recording of the session, which should be shared widely with the members.
We are working closely with our Communications Department and as would be expected, further membership engagement activities are planned in the coming days. A further home mailing has also been sent (attached) to raise the profile of the dispute amongst our members as well as highlighting the fact we are fast approaching the next pay review date.
In this regard, correspondence has been received from Angela Williams, Group Chief People Officer, which is underwhelming to say the least. Naturally we have challenged the flawed assumptions and attitudes of Post Office relating to future pay bargaining.
Branches are urged to bring the contents of this LTB to the attention of our Post Office members.
Yours sincerely
Andy Furey Assistant Secretary