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RE: Royal Mail Group – Coronavirus Latest Questions & Answers Guidance (V12)

RE: Royal Mail Group – Coronavirus Latest Questions & Answers Guidance (V12) Dated 17 March 2020, Managers Update, Guidance, Links, Support & Good Practice Posters:

Royal Mail Questions & Answers Guidance:

Royal Mail Group has established a ‘Business Pandemic Team’ which includes all heads of department and this team meets daily to review the situation across Royal Mail Group and update communications to Managers and Questions and Answers information which is cascaded out to the business.

Attached for the information, reference and use of CWU Health and Safety and Branch IR Reps is the latest version of the ‘questions and answers’ communication version 12 (17 March 2020). These are normally circulated to all RMG managers and are also available to access through a link in the ‘Managers Update Messages’.

Managers Update Message:

Also attached for the information and reference of CWU Reps is a copy of the ‘Managers Update Message’ dated 12 March which details the procedure for managers to follow in situations where a member of the workforce has a positive Coronavirus Covid-19 diagnosis whereby the Line Manager must contact CPC (Central Postal Control) which is Royal Mail’s first point of contact for any business continuity issue.

Positive Coronavirus Covid-19 Cases in Royal Mail:

Positive Cases in Royal Mail now stand at 5 – Manchester NWDO, Mount Pleasant MC/DO, Atherstone DC, Abingdon DO and Eastleigh DO.


Finally, attached are copies of the good hygiene practice posters on ‘How To Handwash’ and the National Health Service (NHS) ‘Catch It, Bin It, Kill It’ Poster.

The latest Q & A’s covers the following questions:-

Q What is the key preventative advice to reduce the risk of coronavirus?

Q What is defined as “close contact” with someone with a confirmed case of coronavirus?

Q How should a manager record that an employee is self-isolating?

Q What is the latest government advice re self-isolation for employees.

Q What should I do if an employee receives a positive coronavirus test result?

Q A manager is concerned whether an employee should be self-isolating, what should the manager advise the employee to do?

Q If an employee is on immune suppression drugs what should we do?

Q What is the current advice for returning travellers?

Q How can I order gloves and antiseptic wipes?

Q The hand wash in our dispensers does not contain alcohol, will it be powerful enough to kill any virus? If not, can we get hand sanitiser gel?

Q Will Royal Mail be providing face masks?

Q if I have any questions relating to an employee absence, leave or other policy question where do I go for advice?

Q Where do managers or employees go for First Class Support?

Q What advice is available for first aider’s who may need to respond to a patient with coronavirus symptoms? Version 11: Monday 16th March 2020.

Q What new cleaning processes have Royal Mail put in place?

Q Are we likely to run out of cleaning products e.g. soap, toilet rolls etc?

Q A colleague has a child whose school is closed and needs to be at home to look after them – how do I support the individual?

Q A colleague has less than a year’s service and is worried about losing pay if they go off with symptoms of coronavirus.

Q Will absences due to coronavirus be counted within the attendance procedure?

Q Is it safe to deliver a package from China or any other place where the virus has been identified?

Q If a colleague is in self-isolation should we request a deep clean of the colleague’s vehicle?

Q My delivery/collection colleagues have made a delivery/collection from premises which has since been temporarily closed as a coronavirus precaution. What should we do?

Q Are colleagues required to sign health declarations when collecting or delivering mail to an address?

Q If a customer has had to close their own premises due to an outbreak, what would colleagues do with the customer’s mail?

Q A customer is blocking their letterbox until the threat is over. What is the guidance on delivering mail?

Q Contractor is due on site, should they still be allowed on site?

Q Royal Mail is changing Operational Delivery processes for the delivery of any parcels which cannot be posted through a letter box or that requires a signature.

Q What about the process for Customer Service Points?

Q A colleague was due off on leave, but is now not able to travel, can they cancel holidays and re-arrange for a future date?

Q A colleague went home today mid-delivery, colleagues are questioning if it’s safe to touch the mail he left, and if they should be using the van the colleague was using.

Q Staff in my unit are self-isolating which has created a resourcing shortfall and I have failed USO how should I report this?

Q Staff in my unit are self-isolating which has created a resourcing shortfall and I have failed workplan how should I report this?

Important Useful Links:

My Royalmail.Com site includes the latest Q&A and general detail: 

Public Health England latest advice and guidance: 

NHS common questions and answers:

Reporting a Positive Coronavirus Case:

If a member has a positive Coronavirus diagnosis, the line manager must contact Royal Mail Central Postal Control (CPC) on: 0345 266 1060.

Good Hygiene:

It is important that everyone follows basic good hygiene techniques. Wash hands regularly particularly before eating.  Regularly clean with antiseptic wipes any shared equipment such as keyboards, PDA’s and scanners.  Cough and sneeze into tissues. Dispose of any tissues immediately. ‘Catch It, Bin It, Kill It’.

Royal Mail First Class Support:

First Class Support is available to all Royal Mail Group Employees free 24/7 providing a confidential support helpline 0800 6888 777 as well as a range of support services including health, counselling, debt and legal advice and practical help.

The attached is for the information, reference and assistance of Health and Safety Reps, Branch Officers and Reps and Divisional and Regional Officers for reference in any local discussions. The Q&A’s cover off a number of issues raised by CWU Reps.

Yours sincerely

Dave Joyce

National Health, Safety & Environment Officer

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