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Recruiting CWU Members – Motion 15

LTB 381/22

22nd September 2022


Dear Colleague,

Recruiting CWU Members – Motion 15

Branches will be aware that in November 2021 at the virtual conference Composite Motion 15, set out below was submitted by South Central Postal and the Eastern Regional Committee and endorsed by conference delegates.

Motion 15

“This conference recognises that workplace recruitment of new members to the union is key to ensuring the success of the CWU as an independent trade union. Giving our representatives the correct tools for the job is vital in making sure they can carry out this duty effectively.

This conference instructs the NEC to work in conjunction with the Equality, Education & Development Department to create a simple and effective and up to date training package that can be accessed by all CWU representatives. This package should include guidance on recruitment skills, resources available and any agreement with the employer that confirms available release time for CWU recruitment as a minimum. This training package should be made available to both individual representatives as well as giving branches the facility to organise it on a wider scale if they wish.

The NEC is instructed accordingly.”

Following consultation with the movers of the motion and various departments in headquarters, I am now pleased to launch a new style modular resource – Recruiting CWU Members that will assist individual representatives and branches in recruiting new members into the CWU.

The Recruiting CWU Members resource is modular based consisting of nine individual sections that can be used to increase the skills, knowledge and confidence of any representative when it comes to recruiting new members into the CWU.

The modules can be delivered in any order and in any combination, you can run a single session within an existing representatives meeting, design a full day combining three or four sessions to create your own workshop or plan to do a series of half day workshops throughout the year completing two or three sessions each time.

You as a branch decide which modules you think your representatives need, you do not need to deliver all nine.

Each section has individual recommended timings of 30 to 45 minutes for a whole group or 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes for smaller groups or pairs which can feedback into a whole group discussion.

The session can be run by whomever the branch feels is the best person suited to the role and every module contains a single activity workbook for representatives to take notes in, all the resources needed to facilitate the session and support notes which are designed to help the facilitator to stimulate discussion. Included are also links to some useful clips that can be used when recruiting CWU members.

As added support we have also held an overview session with the Regional ULR Leads on how the resources can be used so they are able to assist branches if needed.

The above resources are now available to access through the education website utilising the following link

Any enquiries with regards to this LTB should be sent to equality&

Yours sincerely,

Kate Hudson Head of Equality, Education & Development


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