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RMG/CWU Business Recovery, Transformation, Growth Agreement: Seasonal Variation Exceptions Process.

No. 208/23

August 11th 2023

Dear Colleagues,

RMG/CWU Business Recovery, Transformation And Growth Agreement: Seasonal Variation (Exceptions Process)

Further to LTB 191/23 (Letter To Branches) issued on the 18th July, which updated Branches and Representatives in terms of moving forward the commitments contained in the Business Transformation, Recovery and Growth Agreement in relation to Appendix 1, Seasonal Variation, and the very challenging timelines linked to this aspect of the agreement.

Since this LTB was issued and despite the subsequent ODM 16/23 (Outdoor Department Memo), issued on the 24th July, we have continued to receive reports that there remains confusion and uncertainty amongst Branches and members on the Exception Process for Seasonal Variation.

As such, please find attached the Royal Mail & CWU Joint Guidance on the Exception Process for Seasonal Variation, which confirms that this process is directly linked to the national rollout in September. Members will still be able to apply for Flexible Working/Family Friendly arrangements and where they have a Seasonal Variation exception request rejected following the outlined appeal, this can be challenged via the Individual Grievance Procedure.

It should also be noted that this process is for Seasonal Variation only and is separate from the further required Exception Process linked to the outlined changes to start and finishing times, under the Network Window section of the BTR&G Agreement due in 2024.

In issuing this LTB on the Exception Process, it is also important to further remind Branches, Representatives, and members alike that where individuals wish to submit an Exception Process request, they should not delay in doing so and should submit that request as a matter of priority, (noting that members currently on sick or other leave will have 5 working days from the date they return to work to submit such a request).

In closing, can Branches and Reps please ensure this LTB is given the widest possible circulation with members, noting that Royal Mail is currently undertaking an internal audit of their managers to confirm that all employees in deliveries have received the National Seasonal Variation WTLL Briefing, which in addition to other points, also sets out the Exception Process and its linked timelines.

Any queries to the content of the above please contact the Outdoor Department reference 532, email address:

Yours sincerely,

Mark Baulch CWU Assistant Secretary


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