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Royal Mail: Customer Experience (CE) - Temporary Increase in Resourcing

No. 288/2021

Dear Colleagues


Branches are advised that there will be a temporary increase to resourcing in Customer Experience to support the operation over the summer period. The following Joint Statement highlights this positive development and also outlines the progress made in some of our Joint Working Groups linked to the Pathway to Change Agreement and the CE Refocus plan:

Dear Colleague,

Temporary increase in resourcing

As we start our journey on the CE refocus we thought it was important to provide a resourcing update which will support our operation and will hopefully ensure a better quality of service for our customers and in turn relieve pressure on you.

In recent weeks we’ve explained our thinking regarding our refocus plan. Following delivery of the Shorter Working Week, our attention has turned to the 6 strands of our refocus plan and our Joint Working Groups, that will help shape the necessary changes.

With any change plan it’s important to prepare for transition and resource appropriately.

We are therefore pleased to announce the following temporary resource measures to support our plans over the coming months:

New Fixed Term Contracts (FTCs) – 15 agency workers have been converted to FTCs (in Dearne, Plymouth and Stoke).

New agency – Over the coming weeks 103 Summer agency will be arriving to support our peak annual leave and to help facilitate term time.

This is welcomed news for everyone in CE and although the additional support is being put in our Dearne, Doxford, Plymouth and Stoke sites, this will have a positive impact on our teams in Bangor and Glasgow as well and the work they do.

You are encouraged to get involved and share your thoughts and ideas.

Now that our Joint Working Groups are up and running you can expect to hear more about how you can get involved.

Planning for our extended opening hours pilot is well underway with more information being made available to the relevant teams in WTL’s over the next few weeks. We’d encourage you to get involved if you can and support the pilot to help us gain the insight we need to create our optimum future working model.

The Home/Office hybrid Joint Working Group has also met a number of times and an important communication will be coming out to you in due course from this group.

We hope you find these updates useful and they give comfort that all aspects of change are being jointly considered, including any impacts.

CE has lots of change ahead, but it is also an exciting opportunity to do things differently and for you to be part of shaping our future.

As always thank you for your continued hard work and the care you give to our customers every day.

Please let us know if you have any comments on these matters by emailing

Kind regards,

Susan Howlett Andy Furey

CE Director CWU Assistant Secretary

Our Representatives will continue to engage with management on each of the six Joint Working Groups over the coming weeks and further developments will be reported as appropriate.

Yours sincerely

Andy Furey

Assistant Secretary


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