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Royal Mail/CWU: Joint Statement Surrounding Structural Revision Activity in 2021 Post Implementation

No. 489/21

Date 17th November 2021

Royal Mail/CWU: Joint Statement Surrounding Structural Revision Activity in 2021 – Post Implementation Review (PIR)

Following a joint launch session involving the National Parties, CWU Divisional Reps and Royal Mail SDL’s which took place earlier this morning, please see the attached Joint Statement in regards to the PIR (Post Implementation Review) process for units which have deployed structural revisions.

As you will be aware, there have been a number of difficulties and issues reported within many units which have deployed structural revisions and it is therefore important to ensure that the PIR process is carried out correctly in all units and the agreed outputs are jointly signed off by all the relevant parties.

We have also ensured that the activity is overseen by Divisional Reps and SDL’s and that progress of PIRs will be tracked weekly, by Royal Mail at National level via the TTP (Task Tracking Plan) report, which in turn will be issued by the Outdoor Department to Divisional Reps/ADRs and ASRs going forward to assist in monitoring the PIR activity and in order to ensure that the agreed process has been undertaken. A joint central file has been agreed to offer further visibility around PIR activity and progress and to also capture the final outputs and structural revisions Model Agreements.

You will also note that in addition to the PIR activity, the Joint Statement contains a joint commitment to a further and wider review of the revision process which will take into account the detailed and extensive feedback received and which will also include the feedback received from ADR’s and ASR’s to the Department’s recent questionnaire.

Finally, the Joint Statement also commits to undertake a joint national review of the updated revision tools and systems, which will also include deep dive review activity in ten nominated units, that have been jointly selected, in order to assist and help inform revision activity going forward. The aim is to conclude this review as soon as possible during December and bring forward joint recommendations.

Can all Branch Secretaries and Area Representatives please ensure that the contents of the LTB and Joint Statement are shared directly with the relevant Local Representatives, as soon as possible.

For any enquiries please contact the Outdoor Department at:

Yours sincerely,

Mark Baulch

Assistant Secretary


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