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Royal Mail Group (SHE) Safety Flash FY22 04 – Special Instructions To Delivery Staff

No. 090/2022

28 February 2022

Our Ref: C1/22

To: All Branches

Dear Colleagues,

Royal Mail Group (SHE) Safety Flash FY22 04 – Special Instructions To Delivery Staff Regarding Addresses With USO Exceptions/Delivery Suspensions In Place: Overview, Background, Description:

Royal Mail Group’s Safety Team have issued RMG SHE Safety Flash FY22 004 regarding Special Instructions To Delivery Staff in respect of Addresses With USO Exceptions/Delivery Suspensions In Place. See a copy of the SHE Flash attached. Special instructions must be displayed on RM2000 delivery prep frames to notify all postmen and postwomen/OPGs of any delivery suspensions or alternative delivery arrangements that may be in place for any address which has a USO Delivery Exception in place. The current practice is that Yellow dots must be in place on delivery frames to identify significant dog hazards.

In a recent case a postwoman was covering an unfamiliar delivery round. The RM2000 delivery prep frame wasn’t marked with yellow dots and she wasn’t informed or provided with information regarding an address with a delivery suspension in place due to a dangerous dog. Subsequently whilst delivering to the said address she was attacked by the dog and received life changing injuries.

Sometimes it is necessary to use the USO Exception process to advise, warn or to suspend delivery of mail due to significant health and safety risks. Where a suspension is active and until robust controls are in place, customers should be advised to collect their mail from the delivery office CSP, or notified that alternative arrangements for delivery of mail e.g., to an alternative address have been agreed.

Inspections have identified that in some cases no instructions are provided on delivery frames to advise employees of these temporary measures. Additionally, where the risk is due to a dangerous dog, yellow dots are not being used to identify the hazard. This maybe a particular issue where revisions have taken place and new frame labels have been printed.

Issue: Postmen and women/OPGs unfamiliar with delivery walks need to be made aware and informed of any hazards such as dangerous dogs or hazardous delivery points and the temporary controls in place.

Effect: Failure to inform postmen and women/OPGs could result in personal injury – as in the recent dog attack case highlighted above – serious life changing injuries occurred.

Key Message: Ensure that all USO Delivery Exceptions and Suspensions, along with alternative delivery arrangements are identified on the delivery frame through the use of the special instruction card. Significant dog hazards, recorded on WRAP, must be identified by a yellow dot on the frame. The USO SharePoint should be used to request letters to notify customers of any concerns.

Learning Points DOMs should;

  • Ensure all significant risks are identified on WRAP with up to date hazard cards on all delivery frames.

  • Ensure that all significant dog hazards are identified with a yellow dot on the delivery frame.

  • Ensure that OPGs are aware of all active suspensions and the controls in place.

  • Ensure that special instruction cards are placed on delivery frames to identify any delivery addresses with a part or full suspension, with details of the temporary controls.

  • Ensure that OPGs are aware that they must ALWAYS check hazard cards prior to commencing delivery and identify mail for addresses with a known dog hazard.

  • Ensure USO SharePoint is used to request letters to notify customers of any risk/concerns.

Key Activities. DOMs should review all active suspensions on the ‘USO Sharepoint’ and ensure that appropriate special instructions are visible on all associated delivery frames and brought to the attention of all delivery staff by ensuring that all delivery frames are marked with yellow dots to indicate significant dog hazards, as identified within WRAP and by referring to the RM Delivery SSOW and SOP D17.1 ‘Prepare For Delivery’.


RMG SHE Safety Flash FY22 04 – Special Instructions for USO Exceptions

Yours sincerely Dave Joyce National Health, Safety & Environment Officer


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