Temporary Relaxation Occupational Driver Medicals - Licence Renewals
No: 212/2020
20th April 2020
For the Immediate Attention of All:
Postal Branches Divisional Representatives PFW Regional Organisers Area Distribution Representatives LGV Representatives
Dear Colleagues
Temporary Relaxation Occupational Driver Medicals - Licence Renewals
Please find attached for information an update that has been issued on the Gov.UK website in relation to the temporary removal of the routine D4 medical associated to occupational licence renewals (Annex A).
Branches and representatives will note that the temporary change applies to drivers whose licences are due to expire or have expired since 1st January 2020. Under the scheme, drivers will be able to receive a temporary 1 year licence, providing they do not have any medical conditions that affect their driving and their current licence expires in 2020.
Drivers with health issues will still need to declare these, and those with health issues that prevent them from driving safely will not have their licence renewed.
Attached for the information of Branches are the comms released by the business this morning on the issue (Annex B).
The department has received numerous enquiries during the Covid 19 crisis regarding occupational licence renewals and the difficulties in fulfilling the medical requirements, as such we believe that the temporary change will be welcomed by our Professional Driver grades.
We would therefore request that every effort is made to ensure this LTB is publicised, in order that our members are made aware of the updated position.
Any enquiries in relation to this LTB should be addressed to Davie Robertson, Assistant Secretary, email: dwyatt@cwu.org
quoting reference 014.14
Yours sincerely
Davie Robertson
Assistant Secretary
Annex A - Gov Update Medicals.pdf
Annex B - RM Comms Medicals