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Yard Safety – Failure to Keep To Pedestrian Walkway Route

No. 113/2023

Our Ref: V4/23

To: All Branches

Dear Colleagues,

Royal Mail Group (SHE) Safety Flash FY23 010 – Yard Safety – Failure to Keep To Pedestrian Walkway Route – Taking Shortcuts and Walking In Front of HGVs:

Introduction, Background and Description:

Royal Mail Group’s Safety Team have issued RMG SHE Safety Flash FY23 010 following an incident in which a HGV driver failed to keep to the marked and recognised pedestrian safe walkway route, designed to keep pedestrians away from vehicles and instead he took a shortcut, walking in front of a 7.5T HGV which moved forward from a loading dock, knocking him down, following which he was taken to hospital.

The injured driver walked in front of a 7.5T vehicle whilst taking a short-cut, direct route to his allocated vehicle, he walked in front of a 7.5T HGV parked on a loading dock. He presumed it was stationary, but it moved forwards as it was manoeuvring to get aligned with the loading bay. The driver concerned was knocked down and injured. He was wearing correct hi-viz PPE but he was not seen by the driver of the HGV which collided with him.

It was found that the cross-over mirrors, installed in front of the cab windscreen of the truck were incorrectly adjusted. These mirrors are fitted as a simple way of eliminating a truck driver’s front ‘blind spot’ allowing the driver to see any person at least three feet tall and passing one foot in front of the vehicle.

The Health and Safety Executive report that every year, there are over 5000 accidents involving transport in the workplace/yards. About 50 of these result in people being killed. The two main causes of injury are people falling off vehicles, or being struck or crushed by moving vehicles.

Separate pedestrian walkway routes or pavements for pedestrians are provided to keep pedestrians away from vehicles.


The pedestrian driver was knocked down and taken to hospital with minor injuries.

Key Messages, Learning Points and Pedestrians, Drivers and PiC/Managers Actions:


  1. A vehicle with its engine running can move at any time.

  2. You are at serious risk when not in the direct vision of the driver, so be aware of vehicle blind spots and stay out of them.

  3. Follow the yard rules, keep to pedestrian walkways and do not take short cuts.

  4. Where you must cross a stationary truck, remember if you can’t see the driver, they can’t see you.

  5. Maintain a good distance from the vehicle and make eye contact with the driver so you know you have been seen. Do not walk behind or near any vehicle when it is moving.


  1. Ensure your mirrors are correctly set – speak to your Advanced Driver Coach if you are unsure.

  2. Move in your seat to maximise direct visibility and check all mirrors before manoeuvring. Get Out And Look (GOAL) if you are unsure of a hazard nearby.

  3. Always manoeuvre slowly and within the yard speed limit.


  1. When performing First Class Safety Conversations in yards, observe employees walking safely around HGVs. Have conversations regarding good and bad practice.

  2. Make sure employees are annually briefed on the yard rules and the yard safety awareness video.


  • WSRs/ASRs please ensure that this Safety Flash is communicated and brought to the attention of all appropriate members and that the actions above are deployed by PiCs/Managers.

  • ASRs to concentrate attention to this matter during Workplace Safety Inspections and where necessary ensure a review of Yard Risk Assessments and safety inspections are undertaken, removing hazards.


  • Royal Mail Group (SHE) Safety Flash FY23 010 – Yard Safety – Failure to Keep To Pedestrian Walkway Route – Taking Shortcuts and Walking In Front of HGVs.

  • HSE Workplace Transport Brief Guide (INDG199)

Yours sincerely

Dave Joyce National Health, Safety & Environment Officer

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